The aim of the project was to develop a lab table version of single pixel camera. A new camera architecture that employs a digital micro mirror array to perform optical calculations of linear projections of an image onto pseudorandom binary patterns. Compressive Sensing is an emerging field based on the revelation that a small number of linear pseudorandom projections of a compressed signal contain enough information for processing and reconstruction of signal. Instead of recording an image point by point, it only records the brightness of the light reflected from rotatable micro mirror array. Each configuration of the mirror encodes some information about the scene to be captured, which the pixel collects as a single number. The camera produces a picture by pseudo randomly switching the mirrors and measuring the results several thousand times. Unlike other megapixel cameras that record millions of pieces of data and the compress the information to reduce the file sizes. The single pixel camera first compresses the data and records only the compact information. The lab version camera is slow and image quality is rough, but this technique may lead to the single pixel cameras that can collect images outside the visible range, or possibly even megapixel cameras that provide gigapixel resolution.