dc.description.abstract |
Self-compacting cementitious system (SCCS) is a modern concept introduced in the construction
industry and is being used throughout the world. Self-compacting cementitious Systems have
major applications in placements involving heavy and congested reinforcements such as tunnel
linings, rafts and pile foundations, bridge piers, high rise buildings, pre-stressed concrete members,
transportation structures and aircraft runways etc. SCCS has higher workability, provide uniform
compaction throughout the placement area and hence higher durability and strength. These systems
contain higher powder content and lower water to cement (w/c) ratio as compared to conventional
concrete and thus provide a better packing density, ease of placement in heavily reinforced
sections, less heat of hydration, volume stability, higher strength and enhanced durability.
Secondary raw materials (SRM’s) are used to replace cement contents to economize the
manufacturing of concrete and to make an environment friendly concrete with improved microstructure.
This research project was undertaken to assess the feasibility of using various secondary raw
materials including Marble Powder (MP), Bagasse Ash (BA), Hemi-hydrate (HH), Fly Ash (FA)
and Brick Powder (BP). These materials are industrial by-products and were easily acquired.
Various parameters including particle size distribution, chemical analysis using XRF, flow
behavior, strength development and micro-structure were studied.
Flexural and compressive tests were performed on the paste samples using 10% replacements of
all the secondary raw materials. All samples showed high strength development except brick
powder. SRM, s were also used in blends, these blends also showed appreciable results. Fineness
of SRM, s increases their surface area and thus increasing water demand to some extent. However,
due to their smaller size they increase the packing density of the structure by adjusting themselves
in the pores and acting as filler materials. Addition of super-plasticizers improved the workability
by using their cement dispersion mechanism. They also ameliorated the durability and ease
strength development. XRF results of few Secondary raw materials showed their pozzolanic nature
because they contained CaO, SiO2 and Fe2O3. Setting times and rate of strength development varied
depending upon the type of material used in the sample. Mortar samples containing cement, SRM
and sand in the proportion of 1:1:2 respectively were also tested using w/c ratio of 0.4. These
mortar systems also exhibited high compressive strength.
Therefore, after carrying out careful study and detailed analysis of results it can be concluded that
addition of secondary raw materials enhances both fresh and hardened state properties of cement
based systems. In addition, use of blends further optimize the properties of self-compacting
cementitious systems. |
en_US |