Statistics show that almost three-fourth of the demands of energy in the world is fulfilled by fossil fuels. Since fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, burning fossil fuels releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air. This increased percentage of carbon dioxide causes global warming. Combustion of fossil fuels not only emits carbon dioxide into the air, it also releases other gases like carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. that cause air pollution. To avoid this we have to reduce wastage of electrical energy and try to produce energy through other means instead of using fossil fuels. Currently, enormous amount of electrical energy is being consumed by the street lights, which remain switched on throughout the night. This causes a huge waste of electrical energy across the world and should be prevented. The main aim of smart street light systems is that lights turn on only when there are vehicles or pedestrians on the road and remain off otherwise. The street lights will be powered by the electrical energy generated through the pressure applied by footsteps and vehicles. So we don’t need to provide power to the street lights by energy from fossil fuels which are being depleted due to their increased demand. The smart street light system consists of DC lights, LDR, piezoelectric sensors, motion sensors and short-distance communication networks. Our main purpose is to reduce wastage of energy and make use of non-conventional sources for energy production.