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Use of Lime, Marble Powder and Bagasse Ash as SRMs in SCP Systems.

Show simple item record Wajahat Ali 2020-11-03T06:58:41Z 2020-11-03T06:58:41Z 2014
dc.description.abstract This study is focused on analyzing the effect of some of the local SRMs which include Lime, Bagasse Ash (BA) and Marble Powder (MP) on the self compacting paste systems (SCP). These materials, if left un-utilized pose detrimental effects to the environment, since general practice is to dump these materials in landfills and drains, which end up clogging the drains. Their use in concrete systems as SRMs helps in their effective disposal and also brings in economy to the system. Cement production is one of the major cause of environmental pollution in the modern era, researches are being carried out worldwide to search for alternate materials to the cement to reduce the environmental pollution, SRMs play an important role in this regard as partial replacements of cements. These SRMs possess in themselves little or no cementitious properties, but in their finely grounded form and in the presence of water they combine with calcium-hydroxide of cement based systems to produce additional Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) products. The parameters studied include secondary raw material’s particle characterization, flow behavior, strength development, X-Ray Florescence (XRF) and micro structural analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of self compacting paste systems. The maximum strength at 28 & 56 days is obtained for the formulation containing 10% replacement of marble powder. The SP demand to achieve the target spread was least for SCP formulation containing 10% replacement of marble powder. Lime at 10% replacement exhibited similar response as of neat cement. Bagasse Ash at 10% replacement showed lowest strength of all of other formulations used. Particle size of SRMs plays an important role in determining packing density, strength, workability and setting times. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST-SCEE en_US
dc.title Use of Lime, Marble Powder and Bagasse Ash as SRMs in SCP Systems. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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