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Development of a wireless mobile charger

Show simple item record Malik, Sunnia Hanif, Amna Haris Supervised by Dr. Ashraf Masood. 2020-11-03T07:12:25Z 2020-11-03T07:12:25Z 2015-06
dc.identifier.other PTC-250
dc.identifier.other TCC-23
dc.description.abstract With smart phones becoming increasingly common, more and more people are complaining about battery drainage and having to recharge their phones frequently. A viable solution is presented in this report which involves a transmitter that will be used to transmit radio waves and a receiver which will be used to receive those waves and harvest power from those waves. A Wi-Fi router is used as the transmitter in our project and the receiver module is designed to reap its power. In this manner power that would be otherwise wasted is utilized efficiently in charging the phone’s battery. Current wireless chargers implemented on QI standard work for only 2-4cm and use the principle of electromagnetic induction. Our project aims to increase this range to provide greater convenience to users. It will work as a universal wireless charger for all devices having the receiver module. This report focuses on the complete design along with specifications and details of tasks completed and objectives achieved in the course of our project. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Development of a wireless mobile charger en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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