dc.description.abstract |
The aim of this project is to design a GSM base electricity theft control system, which will detect the electricity theft and report the concerned authorities for timely control and necessary actions. Implementation of an efficient and intelligent theft control mechanism can help to resolve this problem to a great extent and save a huge amount of electrical energy. In this way our system will help to increase the available electrical energy produced by the existing resources and will thus ensure efficient utilization. In this project we have focused on unlawful connection detection (Kundi System) and illegal earthling of the electricity connection for theft purposes. To detect the unlawful connection (Kundi system), amount of current leaving by the current transformer is compared with the amount of current entering towards the user end. If the amount of current at user end is less as compared to amount of transformer current that mean unlawful connection is on wire between current transformer and user end. To detect the meter earthling, amount of neutral current leaving from transformer is compared with the amount of neutral current leaving from users end. If amount of current is not equal that mean dubbing in meter of users. |
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