NUST Institutional Repository

Building Security System

Show simple item record Qasim, Muhammad Abdullah, Muhammad Naveed Abid Supervised by Dr. Faheem Arif 2020-11-03T08:51:23Z 2020-11-03T08:51:23Z 2015-06
dc.identifier.other PTE-241
dc.identifier.other TE-48
dc.description.abstract Intrusion detection systems are an integral part of most vital government as well as private buildings. System under discussion is location and ranging system using sensors to detect target along a prescribed route. When used as security surveillance system, an intruder is treated as target and the sensors are installed in the perimeter of protected area. The sensors are installed inside as well as outside the buildings to monitor any movement in the vicinity of the subjected building. Cameras will also be installed as a 2nd tier measure to detect any unauthorized movement. The presence of a target will reflect back the infrared waves to the sensor. Sensors will inform micro controller, which will send a message to the user informing him about the unauthorised entry. User with the help of camera streaming will be able to discriminate between legitimate targets and changes due to undesirable targets such as animals. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Building Security System en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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