Due to the increasing security risks in the modern world, it is a critical requirement to understand global vulnerabilities and protect everyone’s property from destruction, theft and other malicious intentions. Video surveillance and monitoring are among the latest and fascinating technologies highlighting these concerns. The project Real Time Surveillance with SMS alert (RTSS) mainly focuses on the real time detection of motion (human) in the target area. Its main purpose is surveillance that does not require continuous human monitoring as it triggers an alarm and sends a SMS via GSM module to alert a distant user regarding human intrusion in the area of interest. Wavelet based technology has been employed to reduce computational complexity of the algorithm in real time application. Traditionally the surveillance is being done by simply implying CCTV camera system which requires constant human observation for any suspicious or unwanted act in the area of coverage. Inculcating the human detection technique in the existing CCTV network will reduce the human effort required which is prone to many flaws and short falls.