An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that
creates seismic waves.
Earthquakes have adverse effects on the civil engineering structures like buildings, bridges
and dams etc. This proposal focuses on the techniques of seismic retrofitting i.e. making
the buildings safe against shaking and the resultant displacement due to earthquakes. The
primary aim behind seismic retrofitting is saving the lives of the occupants of the buildings
during an event of an earthquake which are otherwise lost due to collapse of the building.
This project aims at seismic evaluation and retrofitting of existing structure in Islamabad
in order to make it more effective in an event of earthquake. The structure is evaluated
using the latest guidelines provided by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The
building is modelled and its behavior is assessed through the displacements in the structure
when seismic loading is applied on it. The software’s used for modelling are SAP 2000
and Perform 3D. Cost-effective retrofitting techniques have been introduced in order to
provide maximum protection at minimum cost.