We are now living in a world where standard production techniques are required to compete in the global manufacturing environment. Therefore standard machining approach is the only way out to achieve manufacturing efficiently and cheaply. STEP has evolved with complete new standard which not only focus on the tool path but also gives complete information about the whole machining process. STEP has developed a system to elaborate a machining process instead of the previous approach of concentrating on machining steps only. In this research a Web based IT framework is prepared and tested for the machining of discrete parts. This research is limited to the pocket and hole features by using 3-axis CNC milling machines. STEP compliant ISO 14649 manufacturing standard is used to prepare this framework and mapped with the ISO 6983 standard. Both the files are generated simultaneously and it depends upon the user which physical file he is interested to use for his machine tool. This framework creates a pocket milling machining program which is generic and can be applied to pocket of any dimension. Test specimen with different dimensions and orientation of pocket and hole are machined by using the output file of this framework.