Grid and P2P technologies are targeting different communities, they have different strengths and weaknesses, Grid follows a centralized approach for resource discovery and concentrates a lot on infrastructure, on the other hand P2P follows a decentralized approach for resource discovery and concentrates on failure handling rather than infrastructure.
Existing Grid resource discovery solutions are not scalable , one of the solutions proposed , is super peer model, but it only works for tightly coupled nodes, number of other communities are working on this issue for finding the synergies between Grid and P2P.
Above mentioned limitations of both the technologies depicts that a solution lies in the integration of P2P in Grid for efficient resource discovery. A service need to be developed that can help the interaction between P2P and Grid, and makes it possible to use resource discovery mechanism of P2P in Grid without making any changes in both the technologies. If both technologies are integrated, large scalable and resource efficient networks can be developed.
Integration is the main theme behind the project, which provides the motivation for the development of a service which can make the communication between Grid and P2P possible. IPG is an effort towards the integration of Grid and P2P networks, which uses a mapping technique for the integration purpose, it maps the Grid parameters into P2P parameters so that both can understand each other effectively and Grid can use P2P resource discovery mechanism efficiently.
IPG considers two scenarios; one is the Grid Wrapper Service, which interacts with P2P client through pipe establishment and with Grid Service through SOAP messages. It gets P2P end point messages from the P2P Client , map them into SOAP messages and send them to Grid Service and vice versa. Second is P2P Wrapper Service which interacts with Grid client through SOAP messages and with
P2P Service through pipes, It gets SOAP messages from Grid Client maps them to P2P end point messages.
Security issues are yet to be explored, A service prototype of the solution has been developed, but a complete system will be proposed in the future versions which will deal with the complete mapping of all the messages.