Due to their several applications, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been
a focus of research for the past few years. In Pakistan as well, some academic groups
have shown interest in this area. However, we believe that the universities in Pakistan
have not been able to utilize their full potential in UAV research. The research of
UAVs can be boosted in Pakistan if a cheap, customizable and programmable UAV is
available. The aim of this project is to develop such a Quadrotor, which is the most
popular type of UAV in the micro to mini scale.
There have been several other projects on Quadrotors in the past. However, our
project has some significant differentiating features. First of all, most existing designs
use processors with low computational power that are not suitable for research. Our
design will be based on the high speed (and surprisingly inexpensive) ARM processor.
The second main difference would be that our design will be customizable for
different applications.
The project poses some challenges in terms of weight reduction and
controllability. For more controllability and stability, the weight should be as
minimum as possible. The project includes optimized selection of all the components
of Quadrotor. The essential components include controller, body frame, Motors,
Propellers, Electric Speed Controllers (ESCs), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and
Battery etc. The control signals are sent by controller to the ESCs which in turn
generate PWMs to run Motors. The IMU comprises of 3DOF Accelerometer to
provide linear and gravitational acceleration and 3DOF Gyroscope to provide
rotational velocity. This is used for sensing tilt in Quadrotor. The measurements of
IMU are sent to the controller where they are filtered to get reasonable readings.
The control system of Quadrotor requires synchronization of four individual
motors which is done using closed loop PID control techniques and there is no harm in
saying that it is quite a task to do. In the future, we need to develop a comprehensive
mathematical model of Quadrotor using System Identification techniques.