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Real time situational awareness system (RTSAS)

Show simple item record Ashraf, Muaz Malik, Ahsan Naveed khan, Fasih Ullah Amin, Muhammad Ali Supervised by Dr. Adil Masood Siddique. 2020-11-04T05:29:21Z 2020-11-04T05:29:21Z 2018-06
dc.identifier.other BETE-51
dc.identifier.other PTE-273
dc.description.abstract Our undertaking goes for making Real Time Situational Awareness System (RTSAS) for administrators inside the field. Armed force being a basic piece of any country's security framework. Amid, wars and hunt tasks officers get injured and a lot of them wind up lost. Fighter's wellbeing is exceptionally fundamental just like the friend in need of our nation which shield country from adversary assaults, fear monger exercises and from a few suspicious exercises which may hurt a gathering of individuals and our country as well. This task gives an ability to track the circumstance of troops including their position and screen the wellbeing of the fighters continuously who have turned out to be injured or lost amid activities in the fight ground. It diminishes the ideal opportunity for seek activity and endeavors of Army checking unit. RTSAS licenses Army checking unit in observing the circumstance and wellbeing of troops utilizing GPS module and different sensor systems, similar to temperature detecting module, heart beat detecting module, and so on. The data returning from sensors and GPS module is imparted remotely by RF handset. Besides an officer can likewise request assistance from observing unit and can caution other kindred trooper inside the scope of remote gathering and transmission. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Real time situational awareness system (RTSAS) en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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