Pakistan’s economy is mostly reliant on agriculture and require advanced and improvised means of irrigation. The drawbacks of irrigation being manual can be fixed using automatic procedure. This summary handles the automated process of irrigation and theme by using soil moisture sensors. Moreover, to make the procedure more advance and fully automatic two major sensors i.e. humidity and temperature are also used. To make system Wireless, incorporation of GSM module have also been dove in. The Power requirement for components is fulfilled through solar energy in order to provide uninterrupted power supply as caused due to load shedding. The moisture sensor constantly measure the level of moisture in soil, when level becomes low, the system sends the signal to motor in order to turn it ON and when soil moisture level reaches to optimum threshold which is decided by user in programming, then automatically turning OFF the motor. Every time the motor ON and OFF automatically, the status of operation is submitted to user via SMS. By using such method water wastage is controlled while giving maximum opportunity to plants for smooth growth, accuracy is achieved due to reduction of labor and solar energy becomes source of uninterrupted power supply to system.