In this study we used a tuned mass damper (TMD) and a base isolator as vibration control devices for our building structure. TMD is a mass that vibrates in the opposite direction of the structure and reduces the oscillation of the structure as a whole. A base isolator is a technique of separating or decoupling the structure from its base/foundation. The base isolator increases the time period of the structure and thereby lowers its natural frequency. We will use both types of dampers i.e. TMD and base isolator to a five story building structure and check the effect of these dampers on each story’s displacement and acceleration. In this project we selected a five storey building and employed vibration control devices to that building. We placed a single tuned mass damper (TMD) at top of the building and we used two types of base isolators i.e. low damping rubber bearing (LDRB) and high damping rubber bearing (HDRB) base isolators for our structure. For TMD we took a mass ratio of 5% and damping ratio of the structure of 1%. For LDRB base isolator, we took damping as 2.5% of critical damping and for HDRB base isolator we took damping as 15% of critical damping. Then we simulated our building structure with vibration control devices using MATLAB software. The responses of these vibration control devices are calculated in terms of displacements, inter-storey drifts and accelerations through graphs.