If you go in any organization, whether it is government or private, you will see many cabinets filled with files. All those files are bursting with different documents on same subject. And main purpose of those files and documents to be there is to maintain history. That is, just in case if a previous document is needed in future, it should be there. But there are very few documents that are needed in future. Why save all of them and occupy physical space? Because, we do not know which few documents we will be needing in future. And hence, all the documents must be saved, and all the cabinets and space is filled. Now, if a document is needed in future, finding that document is also a tremendous and time consuming activity. So why not automate it.
We have created a web application that can do all that official paper work that was being done manually. As it is a web application, all the data is in digital form. Tons of data can be stored in a physically small hard disk now a days. So, all the physical space that was being wasted just to maintain history, can be shrank into very small device.
This web application has the three tier architecture (client, server and database). It is platform independent, user-friendly, and very compatible with every device including smartphones, tablets and computers, as it runs on a browser. We have created it using Java’s JSF technology. The main reason to choose this technology was its rich libraries that would provide you with all the options that are needed in a simple web application. We have used PrimeFaces, as it was giving us all the things we wanted, including the Text Editor, where user can type that document. And now here comes the best part, we have done all this keeping the user experience as it is. It means, that user does not have to type always. If he/she is comfortable with writing with pen like they used to in manual system, he/she can do that using our Pen Input Feature.