The Cardiac domain in the health care systems is prone to much sensitivity and requires extensive care and correctness up to minute levels. With the advent of automation in the medical field, there is an augmented need of the development of smart automated systems that can assist the doctors of the cardiac field to diagnose the disease with the best possible dosage in the right amount. Efficient systems are very much prone to real time changes with the requirements and nature of the patients and there is a great need to inculcate all the volatile variables in the functional aspects of the automated systems.
The proposed system named as “Pervasive Anticoagulation System” intends to carry out the assistance in the diagnosis process. PAS proposes the amount and nature of the dosage keeping in view the history of a patient, nature and magnitude of his disease and especially the INR value of his blood. In this way the cardiac physician become able to diagnose the disease and write the optimal prescription in a very cost effective and time smart way.
One of the driving intentions behind this system is to facilitate patients from remote areas in the treatment process so that they do no need to carry out the tiresome job of visiting doctors again and again. The patients from remote areas can interact through PAS with the respective doctor and can get guidance about the dosage.