The internet is growing day by day. Like its advantages many disadvantages have also come up. In an office environment sometimes it reduces the performance of an employee when they perform extra searching, downloading, and other activities. In order to maintain an acceptable performance, a network policy is required, which effectively allows only those services to the users which they need during their working hours by assigning more bandwidth to the appropriate traffic and pause the rest of the traffic temporarily. This research proposes a network policy which aims is to provide QoS to users and perform real-time network monitoring and provide fair bandwidth utilization.
This work presents an application, which has been developed to provide a fair bandwidth utilization, primarily to achieve better resource utilization, and deliver a network-wide Quality of Service (QoS) in a corporate environment. The developed application captures the network traffic in real-time, analyze it, and using the defined network policy, it filters the real-time traffic which is further processed or delayed. The developed application is called PMaxCoP, and it can capture the incoming traffic up to 20.71 Mbps with 3% packet drop ratio. The application processes the captured traffic in three ratios of appropriate and undesired traffic, and provides QoS using any of these mixes. The results show that at higher proportions of undesired traffic, i.e., 7:3 (desired: undesired), 2% packet loss is observed for the desired contents,
as compared to the packet loss of the content in only desired traffic. This performance is limited due to the processing time required in the traffic analysis and subsequent filtering. Therefore, application performance studies and subsequent code optimization are required to increase this number and develop a comprehensive QoS metric.