The popularity of Semantic Web has given rise to the development of Semantic Web databases with
improved performance. Benchmarks are being performed to validate performance claim made by
developers of Semantic Web databases. However, detailed information regarding the strengths and
shortcomings of these databases is limited due to the fact that the existing benchmarks provide little depth
in scalability analysis. They measure the Semantic Web databases’ performance in terms of time and do
not cover resource utilization during data manipulation operations. The research literature available on
Semantic Web databases does not provide details of their internal architecture. In this research, we aim to
evaluate the existing Semantic Web databases to discover their comparative behavior and scalability
trends for a newly proposed evaluation methodology, and to analyze their architectures particularly with
respect to their storage schemas and access methods.
To cope with the deficiencies of existing evaluation methodologies, we have proposed a new evaluation
methodology to perform comparative analysis and scalability performance study of Semantic Web
databases. Our evaluation methodology comprises test cases for the data access methods and query
optimization techniques to analyze the performance of Semantic Web databases. We defined new metrics
for query cost estimation. As a part of this work, we also evaluated the performance of seven prominent
open-source Semantic Web databases. These Semantic Web databases were evaluated on our proposed
evaluation methodology using Barton Library dataset.
Based upon our experiments and proposed methodology, we highlighted the key strengths and
weaknesses of these Semantic Web databases, and discovered their scalability behavior. Storage schemas
and access mechanism of the Semantic Web databases are identified in this thesis. We conclude that
overall native Semantic Web databases perform better than others i.e. in-memory and non-memory non
native Semantic Web databases. We also conclude that the requirements of in-memory stores for time and
resource usage do not increase as rapidly as in other two categories of Semantic Web databases. The
evaluation results show that the proposed evaluation methodology provides better scalability behavior and
performance estimation of Semantic Web database than the existing evaluation studies.