Reinforced Concrete is widely used material in buildings, bridges and dams due to its speed of construction, flexibility, sustainability and easiness to cast. It is the first choice of civil engineers worldwide. But there are certain phenomena which cause spalling, cracking and deterioration of concrete, one of which is sulphate attack either in the form of acid rain, acid sulphate soils or sulphate enriched sewerage water. Furthermore RC structures in Pakistan are subjected to persistent cycles of extremely hot and cold climate which encourage the progress of sulphate attack. Current research work and observation indicates that parts of Islamic Republic of Pakistan are seismically active and have low to medium seismic regions. Common construction practice observed for RC structures in Pakistan is that they are only designed for gravity loads. Such structures are also subjected to wind and lateral loads. In such conditions RC structures subjected to Sulphate attack in cities like Faisalabad, Karachi and Gawadar are prone to failure in case of an Earthquake. This study aims to quantify the damage caused by sulphate attack and its effect on seismic response of Reinforced Concrete frame structure which will help engineers decide whether to demolish or retrofit a structure exposed to sulphate attack.