Conventional routing algorithms in multi-hop wireless networks do not con-
sider application characteristics in terms of bandwidth and latency while
making routing decisions. There is proli c increase in real time applications
over the wireless networks. Some of these applications may require a certain
bandwidth, for exchange of data for a speci c amount of time.Some applica-
tions may also require a minimum end-to-end latency. For such applications,
the use of IEEE 802.11 access technology application aware routing can be
managed e ciently by using software de ned network technology.
The biggest challenge this research addressed was how to use software
de ned networking with existing network devices. This thesis focuses on the
application ware routing in the wireless networks using OpenFlow. Most of
the attention has been given on the proposed routing algorithm that forwards
tra c on the path most suitable to the applications. Routing metric (cost)
is being calculated on the basis of dynamic capacity of each link on all paths
and hop-count from source to destination. Capacity of each link is based on
the tra c being forwarded, which changes with the addition and removal of
ow. Our algorithm selects the appropriate path based on the analysis of
ow. Controller from a given
ow identi es a particular application and then
decides the speci c bandwidth and delay requirements of that applications.
As the path selection is based on the capacity available on each link and the
capacity is dynamic based on the current tra c. Finding the appropriate
route and subsequently rerouting the tra c was a major challenge. Our
algorithm calculates all possible paths between source and destination along-
with their available capacity. Then nds the most appropriate path from the
calculated paths which satifis es application requirements.