Carbon is most vastly applied material in the aerospace industry worldwide. It is utilized in many forms and with a variety of resin combinations. An unmanned aerial system made from carbon composite was manufactured which was required to be remade with removal of some complaints experienced in the field. For this purpose the complaints were analyzed and it was established that they could be eliminated by improving mechanical properties of carbon composite utilized in the manufacture of the system. Initial temperature of processing was decided to be varied in order to achieve the required level of properties. Experimentation was done by preparing samples at feasible temperatures and variation of required mechanical properties was documented. It was concluded to increase the temperature of initial processing from 20°C to 60°C for the attainment of desirable attributes in the carbon composite. All experimentation and testing was done according to applicable international standards at indigenous testing facilities. The study served the purpose of process improvement and also documented the behavior of particular combination carbon and resin. Application of this research is in aerospace industry and in general composite related manufacturing industry.