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Rehabilitation Approach for Dyslexia

Show simple item record Almas, Aiman Iqbal, Muhammad Wajahat Sajid, Sehrish Supervised by Ayesha Naseer. 2020-11-11T07:33:53Z 2020-11-11T07:33:53Z 2018-06
dc.identifier.other PCS-351
dc.identifier.other BESE-20
dc.description.abstract Technology has a very deep social impact on our lives in today’s world, with the increase in technology humans are more prone to comfort compared to what they were some years ago. Virtual Reality being one of the emerging technologies of present era is proving to be a lot useful in number of fields. Idea proposed is of a Virtual Reality application for Dyslexic patients and trainers. Dyslexia is a chronic disorder that affects the life of subjects and often influences their life choices, patients have difficulty in reading, writing and in comprehending simple things accurately. Standard rehabilitation and diagnosis methods all use a classic paper and pencil training format but these exercises are boring and demanding for children who may have difficulty in completing the treatments. Digitizing these methods would help patients and trainers in a funny and engaging way. Research has proven that when patients use multiple senses their percentage of improvement increases quite remarkably. An android VR application has been developed for patients and trainers targeting developmental and directional dyslexia for remedial therapies, 3 standard procedures being followed normally have been developed in a virtual environment, subject will have to wear a headset which will enhance focusing ability and will enable patients to interact with the application virtually for different reading and sight exercises. Results will be displayed at the end to analyze subject’s performance. The results of the evaluation revealed that application has potential benefits to foster the learning process and help children with dyslexia by improving their foundational reading and judgment skills. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Rehabilitation Approach for Dyslexia en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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