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Design and Implementation of a Corporate Intranet

Show simple item record Waqar, Aamir Supervised by Dr. Romana Aziz 2020-11-13T07:24:51Z 2020-11-13T07:24:51Z 2002-01
dc.identifier.other TCS-28
dc.identifier.other MSCS-06
dc.description.abstract The research work presented in this thesis covers the design and development of a number of web-based software tools, which are integrated to set up a customizable website for Corporate Intranet. This software system can be used by institutions like 44 private companies,firms and educational institutions, wishing to expand into the arena of intranet technology. The software system has two front ends : first one for the employees and the other for the corporate intranet administration.Different options are available for the employees and the administrator and there is an authorization section which confirms their identity before allowing them to make use of the intranet facilities.The software developed for the Corporate Intranet has two main modules: • Employees Control Panel • Administrator Control Panel Employees Control Panel includes employees phone directory, discussion board,online polls,e-mails,company forms,live conferencing and change password. The job of the Administrator is to maintain and update the information system of the corporate intranet.Administrators work closely with technical and support service personnel, ensuring that the technological resources are effectively deployed.In the Administrator Control Panel,the administrator can add an employee’s name to the company employees phone directory on receiving instructions from the administration.He/she can also delete or update an employee record. In the Employees Control Panel,the employees can search information about any employee working in the corporation. The employees can also participate in the company’s polls by entering the go-to-polls option.All the entries are automatically filled through session tracking.An employee can cast his vote only once.He can also view the poll results graphically. There is a discussion board through which employees can read and post messages.The e-mail system is used to post personal messages to one another.Online company forms are also available and employees can submit them to the concerned person.Live conferencing is also provided to hold online discussion about company issues.The tools used are Java Script, HTML,Flash,Active Server Pages and MS Access. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Design and Implementation of a Corporate Intranet en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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