Road design is based on the principles of linking transportation and land-use policies, where the designers' practice of such concerning situations are widened to incorporate, the needs of people on foot and on bicycles, mass transit, motor vehicles, the street's relationships to bordering and subsequent land uses and where numerous factors must be compared, considered and chose with a specific end goal to add to the last plan arrangements. Rapid increase in the population and also, the developing interest of people to live in extravagant and tranquil social orders, has become the basic reasons for the development of new towns and so our project is concerned with the road infrastructure of one of these societies. This report contains and explains the framework in which the project runs and formulates the overall objectives of the project. It includes a specific guidance on the geometric design of streets and roadways, presentation of the design parameters underlying the guidelines by the community design standards, the town planning, and finally the modelling of streets and roadways of this new phase using AutoCAD Civil 3D software and with the conventionally used Eagle Point software in order to further develop insight and scrutinize the strength and weaknesses with a baseline. On the other hand, the basic objectives in our project of geometric design are to optimize efficiency, provide safe, efficient, rapid, convenient and comfortable transportation system for users while minimizing cost and environmental damage.