The fossil fuel reserves are exhaustible apart from the fact that they pose serious environmental and health issues like the emission of Green House Gases. Moreover, other sources of energy must be explored and exploited to keep up with the ever increasing demand. Pakistan being an agricultural country produces a lot of agricultural waste which can provide an opportunity to meet the energy requirements. Fast pyrolysis is an effective method to convert biomass to bio-oil because using small residence times and fast heating rates favors the production of liquid (bio-oil) to produce transportation fuels. There are however some problems with bio-oil, it is corrosive hence it damages the equipment, has high levels Oxygen and moisture which significantly reduces the calorific value of the fuel.
The objectives of this research will be to optimize this process so that the maximum yield of bio-oil may be produced, minimizing the by-products. Moreover, the bio-oil will be upgraded using suitable catalytic routes so that it can be effectively used as a substitute or can be blended with the already existing crude oil derivatives, this way no modifications will be required in the engines, turbines, etc. The biofuel can also be blended with the already existing crude oil derivatives, this way no modifications will be required in the engines, turbines, etc. The process should be such that it fulfills the required parameters for the production because if the physical parameters do not align with the requirements, undesirable by-product like char is produced. Also the aging of the pyrolysis liquid should be avoided as it separates into various tarry, sludgy and waxy aqueous phase.