NUST Institutional Repository

Hygrothermal Cyclic Loading Effect on Glass and Carbon Fabric Epoxy GNP’s Nano-Composites

Show simple item record Amin, Sadiq Ul 2020-12-17T10:14:21Z 2020-12-17T10:14:21Z 2018
dc.description Supervisor Name Dr. Nasir Mehmood Ahmad en_US
dc.description.abstract Epoxy based Polymeric composites have been used extensively in a number of industries like Aerospace, Marine, Sports, Automobile due to light in weight and stronger in strength. Improvement in the Inter Laminar Shear Strength (ILSS) and flexural properties have been reported by researchers using Nano-structure in these composites. Moistures absorption may cause decrease in the interphase adhesion which degrade the stiffness of these composites. This study is focused to analyze and evaluate the effect of moistures on Graphene Nano Platelet (GNP’s) based Nano-composites. Eight varying GNP’s based panels were manufactured four from each of glass and carbon fabric /epoxy/GNP’s Nano-composites and were hygrothermally aged. Panels were manufactured using IDVARI( Injection Double Vacuum Assist Resin Infusion). In this context both pristine and hygrothermal cyclic loading effected samples were tested and result were discus. Four types of mechanical tests were performed, Open Hole Tensil (OHT), flextural (3PBT), ILSS(SBS) and Combined Load Compressive (CLC). Scanning Electron Microscopy and FTIR were performed for GNP’s distribution and mositures effects on microstucture. Optical microscopy for zigiag failuer in gnp loaded samples and void alongation.The loading by wt. 1% of GNP’s in epoxy/carbon fabric composites enhance ILSS by 17 % prior to hydrothermal cyclic loading.after conditioning, there was 50 % improvement in Ultimate Tensile Strength(UTS). en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher SCME-NUST en_US
dc.subject Hygrothermal Cyclic Loading Effect en_US
dc.title Hygrothermal Cyclic Loading Effect on Glass and Carbon Fabric Epoxy GNP’s Nano-Composites en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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