dc.description.abstract |
Though highly researched, but still job satisfaction has always remained the topic under
consideration for many researchers in different scenarios. Number of models highlighting
the affect of factors on job satisfaction and then relationship of job satisfaction with
performance, have been developed. The relationship of these factors with job satisfaction
varies in different ambiances and setups. In Pakistani scenario, there is hardly any
research on this aspect. This initiative would facilitate the future research work and also
would be helpful for classroom learning. The telecom sector of Pakistan has been focused
to highlight the relationship of job satisfaction with supervisor behavior, relationship with
coworkers and managerial policies and practices of the organization. The type of research
is empirical, which is based on primary data collection through questionnaire distributed
in organizations like Telenor, Warid, Wateen, Mobilink and Ufone. Hypothesis has been
used as a basis to check the relationship and affect of the three dimensions considered for
this research, on job satisfaction. With the help of statistical tools the data gathered has
been interpreted and relationship has been highlighted. Corelations and T-tests has
resulted Supervisor Behavior and Managerial Policies as most affecting dimensions for
job satisfaction. This result has set the basis for future research and facilitation. |
en_US |