In recent years’ autonomous vehicle is becoming active research area. One of the most important features of autonomous vehicle is lane-change without driver assistance and its important part of level 2 autonomy. Wrong maneuver can lead to serious accidents on highways. Lane-change of autonomous vehicle is challenging control problem and various techniques like model predictive control, cooperative lane change, geographical information system has been used in past to get lane-change maneuver. Lane-change problem can be divided into trajectory planning and trajectory control. The current work addresses lane changes of autonomous vehicle by generating trajectory with quintic polynomial and controlling it with the help of controller (PID). Two cases are discussed for lane change; considering previous vehicle and without previous vehicle. Collision avoidance technique is used in case of previous vehicle to avoid collision. Results obtained shows the feasible trajectory for smooth lane change in both cases. Collision avoidance technique shows how collision can be avoided in case of previous vehicle.