The title of my thesis is “Contemporary Recruitment Practices in Telecom Sector” and main aim behind this is to find out the current policies of recruitment in telecom sector which are important in order to recruit best people in such a dynamic environment. Recruitment is the practice or activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of attracting potential employees in short it is attracting the best people.
Every organization regardless of its size, product, or service, must recruit applicants to fill positions. Most often, HR administrators would actively recruit only as positions become vacant. Through direct applications by individuals and by walk-in applicants, an organization can maintain a large pool of available and qualified applicants without much additional recruitment effort. But because of federal guidelines and the increasing need to hire the very best applicants, HR administrators find it necessary to recruit even when they have a large number of available and qualified applicants.
The Pakistani Government has transformed the mobile communications sector in a very short period of time. In the past three years, the Government has privatized the leading Pakistani telecommunications provider, introduced much greater competition into the mobile market, established clear rules distinguishing between mobile and wireless local loop networks, and cut import duties on telecommunication equipment and reduced the import duties on mobile handsets to zero. This competition has made it very difficult for telecom sector to attract the best people. Keeping in mind the importance of recruitment in telecom sector I have analyzed three organizations; Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor