Cost and quality of a product are prime drivers in manufacturing. It is important to
optimize these variables for maximum bene t. It is to be noted that higher quality means
a product which has lesser errors and thus more close to ideal product. The quality
of product is associated with precision of manufacturing system but such machines are
expensive. Therefore, a method of machine selection is devised based on tolerance range.
Dimensional and geometrical tolerances are applied for manufacturing a quality product.
In this work, a two part assembly is taken as a case study example. Tolerances are applied
at three di erent conditions i.e. Least material condition (LMC), Maximum material
condition (MMC) and Regardless of feature size (RFS). Then tolerance stack-up analysis
is performed for all three conditions separately. The resulted minimum and maximum
values for allowable variation range is compared which gives us an optimized method to
design the product for manufacturing.It is followed by the torsor linkage model for case
study parts in which e ect of Geometric tolerances on part precision and selection of
machine to manufacture the part is analyzed. Standard tolerance classes have been used
to de ne the parts under study. Part geometry is de ned in terms of form, orientation
and position which are su cient to quantify the possible variations which might cause
errors. Angle components of torsors for parallelism and perpendicularity constraints are
controlled and evaluated at several standard deviations. The results are in compliance
to proposed idea that a less precise machine can produce high quality product within a
speci c tolerance range.