The work presented in this thesis is focused on the thermal, kinetic and morphological
studies of various pyrotechnic/propellant compositions and their ingredients. A lot of
research work has been carried out in the field of explosives; however, there is a lack of
theoretical understanding and experimental work concerning the reaction kinetics of the
pyrotechnics. The published work in the field of pyrotechnics presents some individual
studies concerning different aspects such as thermal behaviour, kinetics and aging of the
pyrotechnic compositions and their ingredients. The present work is a concerted effort to
provide an insight into the thermal behaviour, kinetics, aging and morphological aspects
of pyrotechnics/propellants. For this purpose, differential scanning calorimetry,
differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetery have been mainly used along with
scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction for accomplishment of the present
The comparison of thermal cum kinetic behaviour of five different oxidizers that are
commonly used in various pyrotechnic/propellant compositions was carried out. Next,
modified barium nitrate with micro porous structure was synthesized using three different
vesicants to make it more reliable as a pyrotechnic oxidant. The pyrotechnic composition
formulated with the modified oxidizer ignited at a lower temperature as compared to the
one formulated with pure barium nitrate. The ignition behaviour of the vesicant modified
barium nitrate has not been reported earlier to the best of our knowledge. Moreover,
thermal and kinetic behaviour of ammonium perchlorate has been improved by
catalyzing it with a small amount of nano magnesium oxide catalyst. The results indicate
that the two distinct decomposition stages of the pure ammonium perchlorate merged
with each other and reduced to a single stage. Furthermore, the reaction rate constant of
the catalyzed AP also increased significantly.
Pyrotechnics and propellants are inherently associated with some potential safety hazards
and are therefore required to be investigated for their stability and decomposition
kinetics. The thermal, kinetic and ignition behaviour of three pyrotechnic mixtures has
been investigated in detail to elucidate the mechanism of ignition of these fuel oxidizer
mixtures and to assess the thermal stability and reactivity.
Temperature and humidity are amongst the important factors that influence the shelf life
and ignition behaviour of the pyrotechnics. The effect of aging on two commonly used
military pyrotechnics has been studied. The investigated compositions include SR-524
and SR-562 pyrotechnic compositions. The results indicate that aging of the pyrotechnic
compositions at extreme conditions of temperature and humidity changed their thermal
behaviour, kinetics, chemical composition and the surface features.
The last part of the thesis describes in-depth kinetic analysis of three different versions of
the composite solid propellant. Magnesium oxide and zinc oxide nano particles were used
as catalysts to alter the performance of the composite propellant. The kinetic analysis has
been carried out by Kissinger method, Flynn–Wall–Ozawa method, Friedman method
and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose method. The results indicate lowering of the
decomposition temperatures in the catalyzed versions of propellant. The kinetic analysis
showed increased reactivity of the catalyzed versions of the propellants.
In a nut shell, the work presented in the thesis provided new insight into the thermal,
kinetic and morphological aspects of propellants and pyrotechnics vis-a-vis their
enhanced reactivity through incorporation of vesicants and nano catalysts, coupled with
aging studies, to help design formulations for specific requirements wherever required.