Corrosion protection has become a multidisciplinary subject, development of new protective techniques and materials with their anticorrosive properties simulating service condition in industries is important to study for their application. In this work effort, has been made to the corrosion protection work by enhancing acid storage tanks service life by making it more corrosion resistance. It is demonstrated that corrosion of mild steel acid storage tank samples was suppressed when we applied lining on them with Nitrile butadiene rubber lining reinforced with carbon black and applied on sampled in hydraulic press machine by compression curing method, while putting them in corrosive environment of dilute and concentrated mixed acid solution and using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for testing of lining stability. EIS shows that these lining were showing good capacitance and high impedance values compare to bare metal sample by proving to be an excellent barrier for charge transport, while Tafel scan results further confirmed that corrosion rate was significantly decreased on rubber lining sample. SEM investigation reveals that lining surface was gradually degraded due to corrosion reaction while corrosion product was developed. These results can prove to be very vital for acid industries facing corrosion issues and in future work different set of composition of lining can be tested in various environments for better comparative study.