Transportation engineering puts its contributions in economic growth of a region. It deals with
the application of scientific knowledge for planning, design, and management of transportation.
Transportation engineering found its applications in various types of transportation. Traffic
engineering nowadays has to deal with many complex issues. Traffic congestion has become a
concerning issue in metropolitan cities. Similarly, Saddar Rawalpindi is facing serious
congestion issues. Traffic congestion issues at nine intersections of Rawalpindi Saddar are
studied to identify the congestion problem. The purpose of network analysis is to improve the
Level of service. Data collection is done on these intersections to identify the peak hour volume.
PTV VISSIM is utilized for simulating the traffic pattern of existing intersections. One of the
major issues in traffic congestion at these intersections is the current cycle length of various
signals. To solve this issue Signal optimization with some minor active interventions is done on
PTV VISSIM. Some major active measures are tried to solve congestion issues but space is the
limitation to all those. However, option of providing two lane underpass in one direction only on
Kashmir road has improve the level of service of almost every intersection. Geometric design of
underpass is carried out on Auto Cad Civil 3D. The traffic simulation of this underpass is carried
out on PTV VISSIM. Results from PTV VISSIM have shown a preferable reduction in traffic
congestion. The overall level of service has found to be increased in both the signal optimization
with minor interventions and underpass provision