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Micro Scanning Stage Design with Actuator

Show simple item record Rehan Ahmed Sheikh 2021-01-14T10:53:19Z 2021-01-14T10:53:19Z 2018
dc.description Supervisor:Syed Omer Gillani en_US
dc.description.abstract XY Precision stages forming technology in the domain of micro motion. The aim of this project is to design and develop micro scanning stage to increase the resolution of an imaging detector. To achieve the desired goal, initially in mechanical system has been designed, afterwards, the designed system is validated on state-of the art analysis package. The design comprises of a mounting stage plate (on which lens or any other imaging device could be mounted) which can move in micrometers in the direction of x-axis and y-axis forming the square pattern by actuators. To control the movement with, an electronic control system comprising of PID tuned controller is developed to help achieving this scanning motion in the desired pattern. Piezo material, due to their ability to be used both as sensor and actuators as their inherent property of coupling between mechanical and electrical system. It is used as actuator to perform the micro motion to achieve micro scanning motion XY en_US
dc.publisher CEME-NUST-National Univeristy of Science and Technology en_US
dc.subject Mechanical Engineering en_US
dc.title Micro Scanning Stage Design with Actuator en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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