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Development of Geo Technical Profile of Pakistan

Show simple item record Muhammad Usman Brig Dr Sarfraz Ali, Supervisor 2021-01-21T09:34:41Z 2021-01-21T09:34:41Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Pakistan has a diverse soil Profile but we are unable to develop a single Geo-technical map. Many countries that are technologically advanced had already developed Digital Geo-technical maps to help Geotechnical engineers for preliminary site investigation, feasibility studies and to design a variety of engineering projects. We undertook this project as a challenge for our Country. Geo-technical Investigation reports were collected from different sources. These reports comprised of 548 Bore logs across Pakistan. The Bore logs were digitized and Reconnaissance survey resulted in finding their exact location. Software was developed to integrate Geotechnical database, evaluate bearing capacity and provide an interface to Geo-technical map of Pakistan. Geo-Statistical interpolation methods were used to predict different soil parameters which lead to zonation maps of different cities. Our Software can generate preliminary investigation report of any location under our study area but the accuracy depends on density of bore logs near area of interest. If the database is updated with time, reliable and credible analysis can be done en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Military College of Engineering en_US
dc.subject Development of Geo Technical en_US
dc.title Development of Geo Technical Profile of Pakistan en_US

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