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Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction to Characterise Structural and Geotechnical Deficenices

Show simple item record Ahamd Raza Cheema Brig Dr Sarfraz Ali, Supervisor 2021-01-22T04:37:51Z 2021-01-22T04:37:51Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Mosque is very important in every society according to religious point of view. Masjid-eMuhammad presently known as station mosque of Risalpur. This mosque constructed in 1983 and renovated in 2013. This mosque is located in seismic zone location 2B with peak horizontal ground motions from 0.16g to 0.24g. An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck northern areas of Pakistan on 26 October 2015. Due to this earthquake most of the walls of mosque got severe cracks.. This research was undertaken to characterize the site conditions, study of causal factors and to evaluate the remedial measures. This research involves soil-structure interaction investigation including attenuation of bed rock time history using all soil properties determined from lab and field testing. Original bed rock waves were derived from USGS at Kabul station and then used probabilistic seismic hazard analysis technique for acquiring the waves on Risalpur bed rock. The analysis for attenuation of waves was done on software ‘DEEPSOILS v6.1’. The analysis of earthquake waves showed that wave’s amplitude increased from bed rock to the base of structure. Using these waves we analyzed the critical wall of mosque on software ‘UDEC 5.0’. From this analysis we find the structural reason for cracks has been found from this analysis. On the basis of these causal factors we suggested remedies and then analyzed remedial solutions using software ‘PLAXIS’. The author believe that research will enhance the understanding about geotechnical earthquake engineering, dynamic soil structure interaction and in preserving the infrastructure of Commercial social use en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Military College of Engineering en_US
dc.subject Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction en_US
dc.title Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction to Characterise Structural and Geotechnical Deficenices en_US

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