A modified kinematic model of a shrimp rover is proposed, where passive stability of the payload platform is achieved. An algorithm based on forward kinematics moves the rover on a straight and a sinusoidal path. Three different terrain types are generated in order to configure the platform pitch angle of the rover, Crest, Trough and a combination of these. The rover passes over these terrains through an algorithm which keeps the centre of the wheel axis of the rover in contact with the terrain at all points. The objective function uses reverse kinematics to return the values of the platform pitch angle, rotation angles and the distance the rover moves in the vertical axis. In order to analyse and optimize, the values of the platform pitch angle various combinations of the link lengths are generated with the help of Taguchi DOE. The Taguchi DOE analysis is then performed on the platform pitch angle and the best possible kinematic model is generated with minimum pitch angle of the payload platform. The results are then analysed through motion study in solid works and the rover payload platform model is fabricated with the minimum pitch