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Integrated Mass Transit System for Peshawar

Show simple item record Sheikh Muhammad Usman Lt Col Muhammad Bilal Khurshid, Supervisor 2021-01-26T07:45:15Z 2021-01-26T07:45:15Z 2017
dc.description.abstract The population of Peshawar is increasing and it is resulting in issues regarding utilities for people. One of them is intra city movement. Peshawar like other cities of Pakistan faces the severe problems associated with the local transport system such as inefficient routes, insufficient buses and vans, pollution, existing modes of transport and traffic congestion. In Peshawar, up to this date there is no BRT system. The provincial government is planning to start BRT project in a couple of months. The main objective is to reduce congestion, ensure comfortable and convenient travel and provision of efficient mode of transport (Feeder Service). This will be accomplished by analyzing the current transit system, conducting surveys, collecting data, analyzing the collected data and then proposing the design parameters for new mode of transportation. For such purpose, we proposed a Feeder Service for the BRT. Feeders are the best possible and efficient way to utilize the BRT, reduce the congestion and provide better facility by replacing high number of local buses and vans. This service will integrate with the BRT to take its utilization to optimum potential and will also fulfill the purpose of Quality Bus Service (QBS). To propose an integrated mass transit system some routes, have to be modified accordingly, modification will include introducing new routes where the need arises. An integrated public transport system tends to fulfill the needs of customers, which ultimately results in increase of ridership. In particular, an integrated public transport system gives conveniences in term of comfort, travel time and cost both for commuters and authorities en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Military College of Engineering en_US
dc.subject Integrated Mass Transit en_US
dc.title Integrated Mass Transit System for Peshawar en_US

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