The study ‘Parking Management for Peshawar Saddar’ was carried out to learn and analyse the
methodology and mitigation techniques of parking problems in Peshawar saddar. The growing
population demands of roads and traffic structures. For the past 10 to 15 years there has been a
lot of development and progress in Peshawar Saddar. Mainly because of construction of new
business Centers and shopping malls that have further worsened the traffic and parking
situation of Saddar. A realistic approach and chronological methodology was followed to deal
with the area under study. It was recognized that the major reason for the traffic congestion in
Peshawar saddar was due to insufficient parking spaces during peak hours.
The whole saddar area was divided into four zones for analyzing the problem in detail. The
parking conditions were observed in each zone and measurements were taken for each road
in these zones. On-street and off-street capacity of Saddar was calculated according to these
measurments. Moreover, to find out the parking demand in Saddar, the businesses in all zones
were divided into different categories. The survey was carried out for each category. Mainly
two types of surveys were carried out i.e Business Owner Survey and General Public Survey.
The analysis of results acquired from these surveys paved a way to understand the rational
approach involved for calculating the demand. The analysis helped to extract various results
such as Passenger factor, multi-category factor, timing schedule.
After applying the rotation factor on demand, it was compared with the existing capacity of
Saddar Peshawar. As per anticipation, the demand exceeded the capacity and there was a
requirement to cater for the excess parkings spaces. The solution suggested for this problem
was the construction of parking places in Saddar at empty spaces available