dc.description.abstract |
This study summarises the analysis of nine Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
based methods to predict the ultimate load carrying capacity of drilled shaft piles
at Lahore Ring Road. Standard Penetration Test was conducted at the site and
result was compiled and bore logs were prepared. Lab test were conducted to
identify the soil properties. Nine SPT based methods were used to foretell the
Ultimate Pile Load capacity. Eleven SPT boreholes were conducted and
analysed for the capacity. To measure ultimate load carrying capacity Eleven Pile
load Tests were conducted and results were interpreted using Davisson’s
method, 5% Base Settlement criteria. The following methods were analysed
using the SPT data: Salgado soil properties based method, Salgado SPT
method, Meyerhof method, O’Neil and Reese 1999 method, O’Neil and Hassan
1994 method, Quiros and Reese, Reese and Wright, Touma & Reese 1975
method, FHWA method.
Statistical analysis was carried out to analyse the SPT methods based to select
best method on their ability to predict ultimate pile capacity. Three different
criteria were used to evaluate the ratio of the predicted to measured pile
capacities. These criteria are: Best-fit Line, Arithmetic Mean and Standard
Deviation and Cumulative Probability. Final ranking was achieved by averaging
the ranking obtained from each criterion. As per results, Salgado Soil Properties
Based Method showed the best performance in predicting the load carrying
capacity of drilled shaft piles in Lahore soil. The worst prediction method was the
Reese and Wright Method. Salgado Soil Properties Based Method over predicts
the pile capacity. O’ Neil & Hassan Method, Meyerhof Method and Salgado SPT
Based Method give conservative results. Conservative method will be more
suitable for our Construction industry due to inherent poor quality control during
construction phase |
en_US |