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Processing & Characterization of PZT Thin Films Through Sol-Gel Process

Show simple item record Javaid, Farhan 2021-02-09T06:56:09Z 2021-02-09T06:56:09Z 2009-06
dc.description Dr. Amir Azam Khan Dr. Asghari Maqsood en_US
dc.description.abstract The present work is based upon processing & characterization of Lead Zirconate Titanate powder / thin films through sol-gel process. Lead acetate tri-hydrate, zirconium n-propoxide and titanium iso-propoxide are used as source precursors for lead, zirconium & titanium respectively. Initially, a blackish powder is obtained after drying the mixture of the three precursors at 300 oC for one hour. Further heat treatment at 600 oC resulted in a yellowish powder, a usual color for perovskite powder after calcination. The PZT powders hence obtained are characterized through XRD and SEM analysis. XRD results show a presence of PZT phase after calcination at 600 ºC for one hour and a particle size calculated using scherrer‘s equation of approx: 28 nm. In addition, single & double layer Lead Zirconate Titanate thin films are coated on silicon and brass (70:30) substrates by using sol-gel dip coating process at 600 oC. Surface topography, morphology and micro-structures of PZT coated films are investigated using contact mode Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The AFM & SEM analysis provides evidence that the PZT thin films coated on silicon and brass (70:30) substrates are uniform and dense, with signs of shrinkage associated with the removal of volatile species during treatment at high temperature. Initial experiments are also conducted to produce the PZT coating by using sol-gel spin coating process. These coatings are produced on 70:30 Brass disk. SEM analysis endow with evident that homogeneous PZT thin film attain as a result of spin coating process en_US
dc.publisher SCME,NUST en_US
dc.subject Processing, Characterization, PZT ,Thin Films, Through Sol-Gel, Process en_US
dc.title Processing & Characterization of PZT Thin Films Through Sol-Gel Process en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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