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  • Baloch, Babur Aslam; Supervised by Dr. Adnan Ahmed Khan (MCS, 2015-01)
    Global navigation satellite systems are enduring for a fast change. GLONASS and GPS which are the oldest satellite navigation system are being revolutionized to meet the current application in the presence of interference, ...
  • Azhar, Maryam; Supervised by Dr. Abdul Wakeel. (MCS, 2022-04)
    To accomplish the necessity of high data rate, different research groups have proposed different communication technologies. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of such technologies that has gained ...
  • Hussain, Abid; Supervised by Dr. Alina Mirza. (MCS, 2020-03)
    In recent years, the demand for the reduction of impulsive noise (IN) has increased due to its enhanced effect on human health. In order to resolve this problem, number of techniques and adaptive algorithms are deployed ...
  • Jabeen, Hafiza Fareeha; Supervised by Dr. Alina Mirza. (MCS, 2021-02)
    Active noise control algorithms undergo stability problems in the presence of impulsive noise. This thesis investigates such algorithms with online secondary path modeling for impulsive noise and varying acoustic paths. ...
  • Ali, Major Moonis; Supervised by Dr. Adnan Rashdi. (MCS, 2017-08)
    Continuously altering wireless benchmarks and protocols have resulted in conscious shift in the direction of the programming methodology involved in designing / implementing new radio systems. This has led to a tremendous ...
  • Rabab, Saba; Supervised by Dr. Imran Rashid. (MCS, 2016-03)
    In block compressed sensing, the retrieval of block sparse signals from an under determinedsystem of linear equations is of main interest. The successful recovery of such signals depends on the optimally designed sensing ...
  • Ikram, Ammar; Supervised by Dr. Adnan Rashdi. (MCS, 2010)
    Energy based spectrum sensing detection is optimal in terms of computational complexity butthey have certain limitations of their dependence upon noise. In contrast Eigenvalue basedalgorithms do not depend upon noise ...
  • Maqsood, Azka; Supervised by Dr. Imran Touqir. (MCS, 2017-10)
    Wavelet based image processing techniques do not strictly follow the conventional probabilistic models that are unrealistic for real world images. However, the key features of joint probability distributions of wavelet ...
  • Iqbal, Nadia; Supervised by Dr. Abdul Ghafoor. (MCS, 2014-03)
    interest in many applications including communication theory and wireless communications. In wireless communication, CS is particularly suitable for its application in the area of spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, ...
  • Raza, Lt Cdr Syed Hassan; Supervised by Dr. Moazzam Islam Tiwana. (MCS, 2014-07)
    Auto-tuning or Self-optimization in mobile networks is under continuous evolution in current era. Self optimization means the process where UE (user equipment) and eNB (enhanced Node B) performance measurements are used ...
  • Ali Khan, Anas; Supervised by Dr. Shibli Nisar. (MCS, 2022-03)
    Now adays, cyberbullying on social media platforms is at its peak. It’s a vital challenge for researchers these days. And hence a tally of research work is done to address this is sue in a variety of languages around the ...
  • Saboor, Sara; Supervised by Dr. Imran Touqir. (MCS, 2017-07)
    Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technique occupies a significant importance as an intelligent management and monitoring system in real time. It acts as an essential part in a large portion of the movement related ...
  • Jawaria Tahir, Supervised by Assoc Prof Dr. Shibli Nisar, PhD (MCS, 2023-08-11)
    Due to advancements in technology, speech recognition has grown to be one of the most important aspects of human-computer interaction. In recent years, a tremendous amount of research has been conducted in the area of ...
  • Ashfaq, Asim; Supervised by Dr. Imran Touqir. (MCS, 2017-08)
    . The increased reliance on images makes the significance of image compression more pronounced than ever. There is wide range of practical values for today that are dealing with the transmission of a large amount of image ...
  • Muhammad Sibghat Ullah; Supervised by Dr. Imran Makhdoom (MCS (NUST), 2023-06)
    The potential for revolutionizing data storage and sharing through blockchain technology is immense. However, the decentralized and permanent nature of blockchains presents a significant challenge to user data privacy. Our ...
  • Alam, Sana; Supervised by Dr. Abdul Ghafoor. (MCS, 2015-12)
    Image processing has gained lot of importance over the last few years. Its applications are used in almost all the fields especially medical field. The development of automated techniques for detection of diabetic eye ...
  • Mazhar, Waqas; Supervised by Dr. Farooq Ahmed Bhatti. (MCS, 2014-02)
    In designing any type of broadband antenna, either of single or multiple elements much of time and recourses are consumed for proper impedance matching. Impedance matching is broadly classified into two types i) Distributed ...

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