The textile sector in Pakistan has an immense impact on the economy. In year 2019-2020
Textile sector contributed 60% of country’s exports, having worth of $ 3.4 billions. To be
able to survive, the textile industry of Pakistan needs to achieve competitive advantage by
improving productivity and maximizing value-added time. However, currently the textile
industry in Pakistan is facing a problem of lower productivity and high lead time. Thus,
the aim of this research is to determine the applicability of simulation based Lean Six
Sigma (LSS) in textile industry of Pakistan, with particular focus upon reducing lead time
and improving productivity of sewing production line. In this study, the problem solving
methodology of six sigma DMAIC (define-measure-analyze-improve-control) is adopted
to find opportunities for improvements with lean tools like Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
A Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model of sewing production line is then built in
ARENA® software to optimize the process parameters like lead time, cycle time, bundle
size and work in process (WIP). A built-in optimization engine named OptQuest is used to
optimize the process variables/parameters.
All defined process parameters were optimized using simulation based LSS. The
results showed significant improvement in productivity and lead time of the process by
implementing simulation-based optimization. The lead time of the process was reduced
from 13.44 hours to 4.72 hours. The productivity was improved from 32.02 to 36.05. This
research indicates that simulation-based LSS is applicable in textile industry of Pakistan
and a useful tool for lead time and productivity improvement. Moreover, this study and the
methodological framework can act as a benchmark for industrialists, researchers and
practitioners for future research and development.