This report deals with the design and simulation of Magnetic braking system for a passenger vehicle using computer aided engineering software. Braking torque calculations are done for the deceleration of a specific passenger car from highway speed. The torque requirement calculations and coil size calculations are done in Microsoft Excel. Then a magnetic braking system is designed for this required braking torque by making its 3D model and then doing its Torque Analysis in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The structural three-dimensional solid modelling of braking system is developed using the computer-aided drawing software SOLIDWORKS. The design is improved starting from simple basic design. The power and space constraints are considered while deciding final design of Magnetic Braking system. A common passenger vehicle Honda Civic 10th generation is considered because of the easy availability of its dimensional parameters. It is supposed that this vehicle decelerates from 120 kph to 60 kph in 4 seconds with a considerable load in it. Weight transfer is considered while braking. Thermal constraints are taken into account while designing the disc of braking system. The actual size of electromagnets is also implemented to ensure fitting. After torque analysis it can be said that the final design meets the required torque requirements. Then recommendations about prototyping and test bench are provided for future work.