This project aims at developing a locally manufactured affordable air inflated smart cushion to avoid pressure ulcers being developed in the patient’s skin, seated on a wheelchair for extended periods of time. Pressure ulcer is a skin and tissue condition which develops due to constant pressure on a part of the body for prolonged periods of time. This condition is usually seen in bed-ridden or wheelchair-ridden patients who experience this constant pressure on the lower part of their bodies due to their own weight.
Our smart cushion will have two main modes namely preset mode and feedback mode. Furthermore, the cushion will have 11 compartments with pressure sensors on top of each. Feedback mode will change pressure of the compartments by taking feedback from the installed pressure sensors. Preset mode works on predetermined time to change the pressure of the compartments to avoid pressure sores to develop.
Currently, there are no such products available in Pakistan. A few products are commercially available in the international market, but they are very expensive and have high shipping costs.