In this project an endeavor has been made to examine the utilization of rice husk ash and
Crumb rubber as a stabilizing agent in subgrade soil. Crumb rubber is a waste material of
rubber tires. Crumb Rubber and rice husk ash was incorporated at 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% by
weight of virgin soil. In term of performance parameters CBR was evaluated using CBR
testing machine. Compaction tests for OMC & MDD were conducted using standard proctor
apparatus. Samples were prepared and tested for liquid limit and plastic limit using
casagrande’s apparatus. Study concluded that CBR is increased and decreased respectively at
0.1 and 0.2 of penetration of stabilizers. It was observed that liquid limit and plastic limit of
soil decreased and increased at 5% of both stabilizers respectively. Bearing capacity of soil in
terms of CBR increased significantly up to 29% as compared to virgin CBR soil value i.e.,
24% by adding 7.5% additives