Crude oil heater operations are an essential part of petroleum refining, providing inputs to
virtually every economic sector, including the transport and chemical industries. Refineries
typically spend 50% of the cash operating costs (e.g., excluding capital costs and
depreciation) on energy, making energy a significant cost factor and a vital cost reduction
opportunity. [1] Typically, refineries can economically improve energy efficiency by 5% to
20%, according to competitive benchmarking data. This potential for savings amounts to
annual costs savings of millions to tens of millions of dollars for a refinery, depending on
current efficiency and size. [2] This project aims to find and target energy-intensive crude
oil heater operations to reduce energy consumption cost-effectively in the petroleum
refining industry while maintaining the products' quality. Crude stabilizers and heat
exchangers are the two most energy-intensive operations in any oil refinery. By optimizing
these operations, we improve their heat efficiency and lower the overall energy required to
run the plan