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Design and Manufacturing of Test rig to test rubber’s durability

Show simple item record Malik, Muhammad Hamza Abbas, Muhammad Waseem Rehman, Mumtaz ur 2020-10-21T10:47:26Z 2020-10-21T10:47:26Z 2016
dc.description Supervisor: Doctor Hussain Imran en_US
dc.description.abstract Our research is centred on a track link, which is an essential component of tanks and excavators. The track link has 2 parts, a steel part and a rubber part. The rubber part is being imported from China and it has to be tested before it can be used for large scale production. To check the rubber’s durability, companies put their excavators and tanks through a real time test and run the excavator or tank for a large distance and then check the rubber’s thickness to see whether it has worn out as much as it is supposed to be, or more? This entire process is extremely costly, tedious and time taking. It hurts a companies’ financial reserves real bad. The Rubster (our test rig) is the answer to this problem. It can accurately test a rubber’s durability so that industries and companies no longer have to run their tanks and excavators for thousands of miles. What took millions of rupees to accomplish, will now take thousands only. What took months to achieve, can now be achieved in a matter of hours. en_US
dc.publisher SMME - NUST, en_US
dc.subject Design, Manufacturing of Test rig, rubber’s durability, Mechanical Engineering en_US
dc.title Design and Manufacturing of Test rig to test rubber’s durability en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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