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Counter Rotating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Show simple item record Roshaan Mahyyuddin Azeem Mubashir Hamza Ali Khan Shazim Khalid, supervised by Dr Emad-ud-din 2022-07-14T05:22:44Z 2022-07-14T05:22:44Z 2022
dc.description.abstract The world is facing a power deficit with the supply of energy failing to meet the demand of consumers. This is largely due to the rapid depletion of non-renewable energy resources and is further compounded by the increasing reliance on electricity ranging from domestic to commercial use. This concern is valid for Pakistan as well, with our conventional reserves such as gas depleting annually resulting in power shortage which impacts households, agriculture and industries. It is an alarming situation considering the level of unemployment and the desperate need for an industrial revolution which is why the demand-supply gap needs to be addressed at the earliest. Renewable resources such as wind have been nominated to bridge this gap for a long time however, our reliance on fossil fuels continues to rise which calls for innovation with regards to manner in which energy is extracted from these resources. This project aims to provide an effective alternative to the existing wind turbines in the form of Counter-rotating Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. It consists of the flow and efficiency analysis with the results being used in the design phase of the turbine. The simulation results have been attached along with the parametric analysis with relevant conclusions. The design is fabricated to present a working model of the proposed wind turbine along with its performance testing results and evaluation. Finally, a comprehensive discussion on the results along with recommendations on future work is shared for reference. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SMME en_US
dc.subject Wind turbine, Vertical Axis en_US
dc.title Counter Rotating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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